The Experimentation Game, WTF?!?

Ground Floor Edition

The Experimentation Game, WTF?!?

This is the ground floor edition of the game, presented at The Conference known as Conversion Hotel 2024. That means YOU get to determine what some of the rules will be when/if the game is launched.

Does this mean there will be more editions? Maybe.

Some things were just not meant to be

This is not one of them! Inspired by a six-year old WordPress Nordics card game, this started as a conversation that ended with a "There's no way this can work, but you should try it!" so here we are.

In today's fast-paced world (LOL), everyone's trying to be more digital, more AI-powered, more... well, we just wanted to build something you don't need electricity to use.

I thought this was going to be bad.

Erin Weigel

Short rule breakdown - A game of strategy, resource management, and a bit of luck.

Build your team, face challenges, trade resources, and roll the dice. Just make sure you don't run out of chips!

The Experimentation Game, WTF?!?
  • Goal & Setup. Be the last player standing with the most chips. Start with 8 chips, 8 resources, and a mentor card.
  • Face Challenges. Draw challenge cards that require specific resources (researchers, designers, developers, analysts) to pass. Trade resources with other players if needed.
  • Roll the Dice. Pass a challenge to roll two dice, fail and roll one. Roll above the challenge value to earn chips, below to lose them.
  • Survive and Win. Stay in the game by keeping enough chips to pay for failed challenges. After four rounds, the player with the most chips wins.
  • Ready to play? Read the full rules here.

Yeah, it's a game. About experimentation. And you get to try it first. And you get to split test some rules.
